The Laurel Center is proud to partner with the following agencies:
Commonwealth Attorneys’ Office of Winchester, Frederick & Clarke Counties
Department of Housing
Department of Social Services
Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Victim Witness of Winchester, Frederick & Clarke Counties
Clarke County Schools
Frederick County Schools
Lord Fairfax Community College
Shenandoah University
Winchester City Schools
Child Advocacy Center
Clarke County Community Services Board
Fellowship Bible Church
Kids Club
Rescue Mission
United Way of the Northern Shenandoah Valley
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance
Volunteer Resource Center of Our Health, Inc.
Winchester Medical Center, Forensic Nurse Program
The Laurel Center maintains membership in the following multi-agency collaborations:
Council Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Homeless Advocacy Network
Multi-Disciplinary Teams of Winchester, Frederick & Clarke Counties
Northend Citizens Association
Winchester/Frederick Community Services Council

The Laurel Center services are open to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity, ability, national origin, and other characteristics protected by federal, state or local laws.
P.O. Box 14
Winchester, VA. 22604
24-Hour Hotline: 540-667-6466
Business Line: 540-667-6160
Fax: 540-667-0138