Lethality Assessment
Take the Lethality Assessment
From: Jacquelyn C. Campbell, Ph.D., R.N. Copyright, 2003; update 2019; www.dangerassessment.org
A lethality assessment is an evaluation that predicts the likelihood of serious injuries or death. It provides an easy and effective method to identify victims of domestic violence who are at the highest risk of being seriously injured or killed by their intimate partners.
Several risk factors have been associated with increased risk of homicides (murders) of women and men in violent relationships. We cannot predict what will happen in your case, but we would like you to be aware of the danger of homicide in situations of abuse and for you to see how many of the risk factors apply to your situation.
Mark Yes or No for each of the following.

The Laurel Center services are open to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity, ability, national origin, and other characteristics protected by federal, state or local laws.
P.O. Box 14
Winchester, VA. 22604
24-Hour Hotline: 540-667-6466
Business Line: 540-667-6160
Fax: 540-667-0138
Warren County Sexual Assault Program
24-Hour Hotline: 540-305-1083